Mariposa Ice Cream
Interviewed by: Glen Mickowski “Mick” /Adams Avenue Herald May 2005
Cold on the palate…warm on the heart
Ok…think back, before Cold Stone or Hagen Daz or Ben & Jerry’s and even 31 Flavors. Remember the local ice cream parlors of your youth, infused with the smells of confectioneries and littered with multicolored trappings which just naturally brought a smile to your face. Well, if looking to relive a portion of your youth, look no farther than “Mariposa Home Made Ice Cream” on Adams Ave. and Hawley next to the 7-11 in Normal Heights.
Owned and operated for the past 5 years by San Diego native Anna, and her Northern California transplant husband, Dick Magana, Mariposa offers ice cream the way it was meant to be…all natural and totally delicious. Both Anna and Dick are committed to making ice cream the way Dick’s Grandfather Pete Van Ransom did 25 years ago in the Catskill mountains of New York. It’s the same recipe that was taught to Dick at his Grandfathers knee.
Using only natural ingredients, without preservatives or eggs and with far less sugar, they concoct their cold, creamy, elixir right on the premises. Most ingredients come from local and State sources which ensures the freshness of this creamy delight. They also have fat free and non-dairy Sorbet, as well as a rotating selection of 16 to 25 flavors of signature ice creams. Add to this, other offerings of floats, malts, shakes, sundays, splits and smoothies and I’m sure you’ll find something that fits everyones taste. Also in the works is a diabetic ice cream that will allow that afflicted community to enjoy the fruits of their labor as well.
One other thing that sets these folks apart is their willingness to share their knowledge and hospitality with the community. They have welcomed school field trips and Boy / Girl Scout troops into their parlor to show children how the manufacture of ice cream is accomplished. “They actually roll up their sleeves and pitch in,” claims Dick with a bearded grin, and their walls are adorned with crayon drawings and photos to attest to the fun the children had. Coming up is the Normal Heights blood drive which takes place on Saturday March 12th, which will be Mariposa’s 3rd proud sponsorship. So come on down and give a pint, then visit Mariposa to take home a few, you won’t be disappointed in either case. For the Adams Avenue Herald…Mick