Who we are: The Adams Avenue Business Association (AABA) is a California non-profit corporation formed in 1985 for the purpose of revitalizing and marketing the Adams Avenue business corridor. We are overseen by a 15-member Board of Directors chosen from the business and property owner-members.
BID/MAD: AABA administers a geographically-based district under contract with the City of San Diego. We manage Business Improvement District (BID) programs and Maintenance Assessment District (MAD) services. The City collects an annual BID or MAD fee from each business or property owner located within the 2.5-mile-long commercial District.
Boundaries: The district boundaries are from Vista St. in Kensington through Normal Heights to Arizona St. in University Heights.
What we do: AABA oversees a diverse work plan that includes special events, marketing and branding, avenue maintenance, weekly committee meetings, management of community assets, community planning, and advocacy. We partner with local business operators, property owners, and the City of San Diego to improve the economic and physical conditions of Adams Avenue.
Source: Official Adams Avenue Business Association Site (10/05/2023)
- First Tuesday of the Month at 8:00am
- Normal Heights Community Center 4649 Hawley Blvd., San Diego, CA, 92116
Many of the events featured on this site are a direct result of the hard work done by the Adams Avenue Business Association.
Contact Info
The Webmaster, Robert Rael, of used to serve on the Board of Directors of the Adams Avenue Business Association, but is no longer affiliated with the board.