In the near future we will have a database of apartments in the Normal Heights area, with information on the apartments and available places to rent and live.
Important Contacts
A page with a listing of important phone numbers for just about anything that might happen in our neighborhood. These numbers were provided by Toni Atkins’ office. We also remind you, if you have an emergency that is not life threatening to please call (619) 531-2000 as opposed to 911. 911 should be saved for life threatening emergencies only.
Message Board
is’s very own message board. Residents and businesses in Normal Heights are welcome to post anything they like. If additional topics are needed, they can be easily added.
Normal Heights Email
is our free email system that allows you to sign up for your very own free email account. Now you can be [email protected], and show your pride in your neighborhood of Normal Heights to your friends and family.
Community Awards
Presented by the Adams Avenue Business Association. These include awards for residences and Businesses in Normal Heights as well as along the Avenue. The award categories include “Most Improved Residence / Business” and many similar award categories. Visit the page to see the categories from two years ago. This years ballots came out June 8th 2002.
Our local news page. We do our best to keep it updated with the latest happenings in and around Normal Heights. Usually if nothing else, we have pictures of the Marquee on Adams Avenue posted here. If you have news to add, please email [email protected]. This email address will page us, so please include contact information so we may get in touch with you.
Avenue Business Association
unofficial site. See what the Adams Avenue Business Association is doing for Adams Avenue and parts of Normal Heights.
Neighborhood eWatch
Subscribe to the City of San Diego’s new eWatch site, and keep up to date on crime in your neighborhood. You configure the area, and the type of reports you wish to receive.
AC Listing of upcoming events in and around Normal Heights and Adams Avenue areas. The events listed here include the Adams Avenue Street Fair, the Adams Avenue Roots Festival, (Now called Unplugged) and a few more popular area events.